3 Ways To Raise Money For Your PTA That Require Zero Effort

There you are minding your own business when, suddenly, you somehow get volunteered to help with fundraising for your school's PTA. Who has time for that? Relax. In the past, hard-working PTA moms and dads would have to spend hours planning a carnival or hawking wrapping paper around their neighborhood, but this is 2020. Things have changed for the better and PTA fundraising drives have caught up with the times. There are much easier ways to get the job done, and most involve zero effort on your part. 

1. Use Social Media

Not only can you use your PTA's social media accounts to spread your overall message and promote events, but you can also add a "Donate Now" button. Several social media services allow followers to donate directly to you. It doesn't get any easier. Parents are swamped with work, household responsibilities, and general kid-rearing stuff. Make it easy for them to fork over a few dollars while they are mindlessly scrolling through posts.

2. Try an App

The days of tearing labels off cans and cutting off box tops are over. A school fundraising program can be as simple as downloading an app to your phone. There are apps for coupon clipping, rounding up the change, challenging friends, and many more. The money from these simple activities is then diverted to your PTA to be used in various community building and enrichment activities for your school. Not only is it zero effort on your part to ask parents to use an app, but it is also zero effort for them as well. Parents love easy.

3. Promote Affiliate Marketing

Many people make money online using various affiliate marketing programs. You have probably seen disclaimers on your favorite blog or website that states that the blog owner may make a small commission on your purchase if you click on their link and buy whatever product they are recommending. There is nothing preventing a PTA from using the same techniques to raise funds for their school. The link can be posted on the PTA's website or social media channels. Books, uniforms, and STEM toys are all great products to promote because they benefit the child and your school.

Being tagged to help run a PTA fundraising effort does not have to mean the end of your social life. You can easily set up a few social media campaigns, download an app, and promote a few affiliate links to raise the needed money without zero effort on your part.

For more information, contact a company that helps with school fundraising programs.
